At Cannon Roofing, our roofing technicians have the experience, training and right products to know how to properly clean and maintain your roof. Our powerful, yet environmentally safe roof cleaning products are used to dislodge the fungus so it can be easily flushed from your roof without damaging the integrity of the shingle. The sad truth is however, that once your roof cleaning is complete, it will get stained again quicker, sometimes a lot quicker than it did the first time. This is because its fungus-fighting capabilities have been diminished over time. We can help you keep your roof cleaned and well maintained with roof protection plan.

Why You Should Have Your Roof Cleaned

Nature has certain rules. In the northern hemisphere moss tends to grow profusely on the north side of the roof or in those parts of the roof covered by overhanging branches. Shade blocking out the sun makes it ideal for moss to multiply. The dew falling in the morning or occasional showers anchor on to the moss and this leads to less of evaporation. This in turn triggers of the game of multiplication until the entire roof is slowly taken over and conquered. It is a slow but sure deadly process.

How can this problem be tackled?

Moss can be eradicated provided the house owner has not allowed it get out of hand. It however requires professional help. This is the first important step. There are special roof cleaning tools that tackles the problem at its very base and gently clears the lumpy and heavy moss formations without damaging the roof. It is a very tedious painstaking job and each shingle needs individual attention. In this way about 80% to 90% of the moss is cleared. If the remaining percentage proves to be too tough then it has to be subjected to a cleaning from a professional roof cleaning company. The whole operation will give a new look and extra life to the old roof – the most vital part of the house.

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