When it comes to roof replacement estimates there are actually two schools of thought. One is to get as many estimates as possible so you have a lot of contractors to choose from and can get the best deal for your money. The other is to just stick with three or four estimates so you won’t have to sort through an overload of information.

Roof Replacement Estimates – Narrowing the List

Actually you can combine both methods and be assured you’re getting the best roofing contractor for the job and at the best possible price. Start by getting roof replacement estimates from three or four contractors. Set aside the bids that don’t meet your specifications or budget. If there is one bid that you particularly like you can choose to go with that one. If not, keep adding roofing bids from other potential contractors to your list. Continue to narrow down your list until ultimately you are left with the best of the best for your particular job.

When using this method, keep in mind that it may take some time and there are a couple of things you’ll need to do. When getting roofing bids make sure that each contractor is bidding on the exact same job. If you want the old shingles removed and not just shingled over make sure you convey this clearly to every contractor.

Roof Replacement Estimates –Getting the Best

As you’re collecting your roof replacement estimates you’ll want to check the credibility of each contractor as well. This includes making sure that they are properly licensed and insured, including workers comp if they have employees. If a roofer is hurt while on the job and there is no workers compensation in place, you may find yourself liable for medical expenses and lost wages.

Ask for references and follow through by calling a few of them. Ask if the job was completed on time and if everyone involved behaved in a professional manner. Was the site cleaned up and once the job was complete was the customer happy with the results?

Also check with your local Better Business Bureau to find out if the roofer has any complaints on file. If so, how did they resolve the complaint? If any contractor has a history of complaints, it might be best to exclude them from your list.

Remember, if you’re looking for roof replacement estimates, it’s okay to use whatever method works best for you. After all it’s your home and you want the best roofing contractor for the job.